Monday, October 24, 2016

Kingdom Club Food Drive

Dear Parents,

The Kingdom Club will be having its annual food drive for the Kanata Food Cupboard from October 24-28. We encourage you to bring in canned foods and non perishable food items [things that don't need to be refrigerated]. Other non-perishable items such as diapers, wipes and toiletries are also much appreciated! Our goal this year is 1,500 items, which is about 3 items per person in our school. This Halloween, help us to scare hunger!

We scare because we care
Here is a link to the Kanata Food Cupboard
Kanata Food Cupboard

Monday, October 17, 2016

Proulx Farm

Thank you to all of our parent volunteers who made our trip to Proulx Farms such a success! We had a wonderful time. 

Picture Day

Kindergarten to grade 2 students will be getting their school pictures taken on Thursday October 20th. Please make sure your child is not wearing green as the photographers will be using a green screen.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Field trip to Proulx Farm

Just a reminder that field trip forms are due tomorrow; thank you for those who have agreed to volunteer.

We are looking forward to our trip this Friday. For more information on Proulx Farm, please visit their website at: